Author: Amrita Mallik
Some words are kooky, generating a sense of warmth, Yet, deep within them, you can sense the razor-sharpness. Weapons of betrayal, my timid brain deciphers, Coiffuring the attacker’s hatred in colourful temptations. . Love and promise strike me the most. Everybody can love and everybody can promise. However, perhaps, the most exploited of the lot,…
O! He is just jammy! The society is envious of his success, The limelight he takes wherever he goes, The attitude he shows, The wealth he displays. The invidious men secretly pine for his stature, Resorting to calumny and pulling him down, Yet, they can’t succeed in their insidious plans. . O! They should have…
I like things to happen naturally, Without me nagging and begging for them, Especially as an outcome of my sincere prayers, I feel elated, relieving me of the stress and anxieties. The overworked mind and the yearning heart seeks solace, When expected things turn up on their own. . Despite repeated attempts when things don’t…
Harken me, Gelos, the spirit of laughter. Like an intoxicated lot let the mankind drink this ambrosia, Genuine fun can descend, making merry should never cease. As a propellant triggering a man to action, As the wind beneath his wings, As a cure for aching soul and bereaving mind, The hilarity eases the burden, bringing…
The white curtain of misty fog, Diluting clarity and numbing the senses, Distorting truth and reality, Leading to confusion and isolation, An ominous sign for a risky venture, Of man vanishing through the clouded obscurity! Scream or tear your hair over the sudden halt Or, through faith and perseverance, Even the grey zone can turn…
Seeing the effigies burning as a mark of protest, Or to celebrate the victory of good over evil, An idea strikes me, but it’s too late to utilise it. Maybe if I could have replaced you with your effigy On that hospital bed when you were suffering, Writhing with pain and pleading to return to…
Trying to explore the soul-connection I land up, In the land of money, where the heart and the mind, Function according to the whims of that numbered paper, So much so that the throbbing heart, the seat of emotions, Become a lifeless stone, unmoved even by the death of a special someone! What to talk…
I came across the baboon and I had a great laugh. But, the writer in me, got awakened and became angry. So, she forced me to look in-between and read through, And, finally found peace when she discovered, That the baboon spirit resides within me too. Like the baboon, I’m misjudged as a loner with…
Remembering 26/11
A dozen years have passed since the deadly terror attack How far have we come? How far have we mended? Etched as a nightmare in many hearts and minds While the majority have forgotten, commemorating just like that! Sadly to say, we’re still unprepared for another one ‘Cause we don’t choose leaders, we choose to…
But I Don't Want…
But, I don’t want to rewind! Why do the memories haunt me? Why do the faces flash before my eyes? Neither I can get them back, nor do I wish to! Some stings still lie fresh, Like the hot molten wax from the dying candle The unhealed wounds, the sleepless nights The woebegone me abhors…
O! Look at the silent beauty of the wildflowers Wild and free, sunny and all glee The Divine joy to those that seek Lover’s language, uncultivated Nature’s wonder The countryside blooms with the myriad hues How sweet can be the language of flowers! The innocent children or the hapless people Lacking shelters and running helter-skelter…