Author: Divyanshi Rajotia
INEQUALITIES On a monotonous night I laid down on my bed, And thought about love, How love is madness and love is completeness, And how love is equality, But there are so many inequalities. We’re taught to love everybody but no one does, Nobody understands that “LOVE IS LOVE”. If she’s dark and you’re fair,…
IT’S A NEW DAY. It’s a new day , A new beginning? No. Not at all. Because some things never change, They always remain the same. It’s a new day And I promise myself To smile often and be happier. But I deep down know this won’t last longer. At home, I’m said to be…
The Palm Tree
An old tree stood in my garden, Which would help me to remove my burden. It was a tree of palm, And would always make me calm. Around it everything was so cozy and warm And I would never let someone do it any harm. One day I was sad again, I ran to the…
it’s okay
IT’S OKAY If you’re trying hard But yet you don’t succeed Then it’s okay There will be a new day And you’ll surely find a new way. If you don’t get what you have been wanting for so long, Just try hard and be strong. If you broke your friendship with your ‘best friend forever…