A thundering heart and a calm countenance that hides, agony of parting . A dry mouth and wet eyes, dreams, that erode the lines of the existent and fairy-tale . The elusive looks, hinting of elysiums in his arms, among other places . What passes unsaid, But never unheard every sigh accounted for . The […]
Amaranthine Love
As ashen clouds enshroud the azure And rain pours Plunging drops spear my soul Wistful blue golden Glimpses of yore flash Blind the sun. . Perennial promises Unspoken vows, a tale untold Unkempt memoir laid to rest beneath mossy pebbles. Moistened with your laugh’s mist Rill serpentine still Streaming Love amaranthine Echoes deep in the […]
Can You Hear Me
Can you hear me? O You The only truth To seek you, myriad paths took Barefoot blistered, Ascended gelid peaks Walked through embers bed too Lit candles votive flickered when Protecting palms burnt. To fix my greys offered petals hued. . From dizzying labyrinth, whimpered endlessly Confided in you when stranded deep In the swamp […]