O,Lord! Can’t you hear my stifled cries, When to the hungry vultures I am sold , A piece of flesh to peck and molest, In exchange for favours or little gold. To whom do I send my cries of protest? Can’t you hear sharp shrieks of pain, When I am skinned alive for no fault, […]
submitted by <a href="https://poetryparlour.com/members/sarita-khullar/" title="Posts by Sarita Khullar” rel=”author”>Sarita Khullar
I hide my earnest yearnings in the sack of your wishes and go about fulfilling them . I hide my wind of thoughts in the veil of my face and make your day . I hide my inner sorrows in the blanket of my skin and listen to yours . And I don’t ask Can […]
submitted by <a href="https://poetryparlour.com/members/nitika/" title="Posts by Nitika Sawhney” rel=”author”>Nitika Sawhney
The kicks in the womb, Eager to jump out To the mother’s bosom. The urge of an infant, Whose lovely eyes Yearn the father’s arms. The pain of the student, Whose tiring fingers Just ask to slow down. The call of the teen, Whose confused mind Seeks a shoulder to lean. The fatigue of the […]
submitted by <a href="https://poetryparlour.com/members/kirtiv/" title="Posts by Kirti V” rel=”author”>Kirti V