The Rich are getting Richer Poor are getting poorer We hear it everyday But all we do really is sit and pray, For the people who are undernourished Have no homes and are famished This crisis of Poverty is a social Injustice But all we care is Piri-Piri Fries with extra ketchup These days Kids […]
I was in school when I saw this girl Beautiful and Brimful Full Of loved ones But there was something in here eyes She was in a trap of lies Everybody thought of her as the popular kid Who’s loved by all and they were jealous Wanted to be like Because they thought she was […]
Roses are dead Violets don’t bloom I’ve been labelled a curse Right from my mother’s womb Being a girl is a job without pay Where all you here is what will they say You don’t have to go so away You can’t work, you need to stay because you need to serve That’s your duty […]