Beyond the clouds there lies a world
nestled in the sky’s bosom waiting to be unfurled
where the rainbow petalled path ushers you in
while you enjoy mellifluous hymn of the Blue Robins
the fragrant butterflies sprinkle a ruddy scent
every bloom whispers, gifts your heart feeling of enchantment.
Beyond the clouds there lies a world
its soul-touching symphony spurs you to twirl
its sweet springs render your heart a yearning
as the passion of first love, stomach keeps churning
where the Gold kisses the membrane erasing all past wound
the glinting Platinum caresses to sleep, dreams astound.
Beyond the cloud, there lies a world
away from the farce, a colourful dream world
where the winds tickle, the rains embrace you
resting on a mattress of smiles, zillion stars blanket you
a wandering meteor fulfils all the desires
yanking the tired heart out of the yore mire.
come let’s voyage to this enthralling land, beyond the clouds
where life is tranquil, magical, isn’t disturbed by the madding crowd.
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