#2nd April entree
“Thank you”, my heart sang,
In a deep sense of gratitude.
As I sat watching the mighty waves,
Rising slowly cresent- like, into a crest
And then bending gracefully
Like the palm frond,
Then the roaring surf, thundered
The pounding surf, then resounded
And the crashing surf, foamed
Breaking, attthe golden footprinted shore,
In a sort of urgency. I fathomed a great truth
That had escaped my comprehension,
Each wave must break into smithereens
When in pride it rises, if it wishes to merge with
Sea’s plenty. Or, like a frozen crest,
It must stand eternally. For my brokenness,
I apologized no more, neither was I sorry!
© Mumtaz N Khorakiwala
( Batool Idrish Siamwala)
Picture Courtesy: Matt Paul Catalano
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