#Lovediaries #poattic-6
Week 1.
Sun’s my guardian star.
Nosegays and roseate bouquets —
Demeter and troth.
Week 2.
Sun’s sliced by umber,
Phoebus- semicircles two,
Buds open to bloom.
Week 3.
Amber streaked Phoebus
Branches slit into halves two
Soul’s disquiet yearnings.
Week 4
Once sun tempers love,
The duirnal course, rise – fall
Earthy bated breathe.
Week 5
The encircled sun,
A broken betrothal ring,
Dellusion, deceit.
Week 6.
Sun’s shrouded in gloom
Redolent of coy bouquets,
Tears sweet and wilted.
Week 7.
In darkness leave me,
In slumber’s deadly nightshade.
Strange thoughts brings the sun.
Week 8.
Another listless dawn,
Mock not, Oh Sun! Moon’s my beau,
Now, I await none.
Week 9.
A glaring sunbeam
Intrudes a teary-eyed blanket
Reminiscent of you.
Week 10.
How blinding are Sun’s rays,
The interfering old fool!
Hold me, nightly bliss!
Week 11.
An autumnal sun
Is my bosom chum, I shed
Despair and distress.
Week 12.
Carpe Diem, I invite
For tea, the noisy sun, it
Flaps yesterday away.
© Mumtaz N Khorakiwala
Picture courtesy: Gemma Smeragliuolo
P.S.: Diary writing was an art practiced in the previous century. For the present generation with a busy and bustling life with a cauldron of bubbling social media, I thought Haiku would be the best way to express the delightful experience of falling in love, the grief that follows heartbreak and return to equilibrium.
I would really appreciate your feedback and comments.
1.Demeter: a well know perfume
2. Phoebus: the Sun God
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