One fine day, when my soul is set free,
When this world has taken away, all it gave me.
When I have breathed my last, debts repaid,
a small excursion, to rewind, I crave.
My core devoid of inhibitions, wants to visit,
those cemented by-lanes and that lazy rivulet.
He, who sold balloons ‘n candies for a rupee,
and soak my swollen ankles in the warm camaraderie.
I have to visit my home, just round the corner,
where lights are always switched on, in my honour.
Just a little peep to see, my wailing parents
who lost their daughter, to her aberrants.
My excursion shall never be complete,
childhood love is all I seek.
Creepily I shall tiptoe in, contend just to see him.
Only if life could rewind, these stinging memories wouldn’t be prime.
Moved beyond the realms of return,
A visit to a life, forsaken and forlorn.
Dr.Shweta Mathur Lall
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