Author: Shail Raghuvanshi
Open Spaces
The space in your mind that prided itself for its open-mindedness is clogged now refusing to allow entry to ones who were once your very own, who still are but are stopped by your bar which you planted in cement out of nowhere, here, there, everywhere! Now, when I want to reach out, you make…
Rajma Chaval
Ma, today the rajma rice was just like you would have liked. And, the sooran (yam) masala would have made you proud. Your little girl has finally reached that pinnacle of cooking, something you feared I would languish in slogging interiors of sooty sweaty kitchen places. But, I am no cook like you or a…
We played hopscotch on the narrow street outside our houses. I visited her typical Brahmin household to watch old Hindi movies on her then-in-vogue black and white television set while her soft spoken pirate eyed mother made some strong coffee, the smell making me wonder in my little mind whether her husband left her because…
Idle vases
Seated near the beach watching sand, sea, people and traffic on the road whizz past by we, with our nerdy glasses mounted on noses dishing into books of poetry we were reading aloud reflections of poetic transactions of poets wanting to express part of themselves finding their way into the minds of readers like us;…
loving you opened up spaces within me I did not know existed multiplying happy cells into spasms of joy that traversed my entire system survived a storm of mundane sensory gaps of living a life lost in illusionary awareness to a path that transformed me from bit to whole from living to loving
Freeing Space
my feet no longer ask me permission to stroll around exhaustingly aware of storms brewing in my head wanting to scream into silence my thoughts attempt to usurp the space left for emotions to hibernate in a place that no longer seems mine taken over by a closeted home lost in the travails of insecure…