Scratched notepads, hurriedly inked shopping checklists,
Often diverting into a frenzied attempt to doodling,
Stick on notes placed haphazardly on cupboards and mirrors,
Reminders notes–hash tagged, a scribbled unfinished poem
On a yellowed envelope…
My essence spilling out onto paper,is what’s left of me.
Chores marked in diaries holding
A forgotten rose pressed long ago,
Fragrant with bygone memories,
And then I am awakened by the alarm
Calling be back into the present…
Answer, I must to an online query, then
Cheques to be dropped in a tearing hurry
One foot in a task, another stepping out of mundanity
This is what life is all about.
Oh what I’d give to shrug off rushing
Into several chores: braiding my daughter’s plait
Packing lunch for work, sipping my cuppa tea comfortably,
Chatting with friends over a muffin and coffee.
When that’s to be, I shall be wrapped in that
Tenuous moment– a wonderful fragment of my diary.
Either the shrill phone- calls for alacrity
Else someone howls to tip off my balanced stance
And I’m in against the clock,
A scramble, and dash, out of time’s sling
I’m flung… If this weren’t life’s essence
I’d shrink into lethargy, I’d find myself
Journeying with the Lotus-eaters
Whirlpooling through the vortex of Hades.
Can you then imagine how piteous life would be?
© Mumtaz N Khorakiwala
( Batool Idrish Siamwala)
Picture courtesy: Prophsee Journals
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