Adieu! my love, until we meet again,
Again, when the vernal cloak will be adorned by nature,
Nature, which is known for its unparalled beauty,
Beauty, which is sprinkled in birds,beasts and flowers,
Flowers, which covers the rustic paths with colours,
Colours, which rejuvinates the life of the mortals,
Mortals, who dream of a rainbow coloured life,
Life, which is known for its manifold struggles,
Struggles, which strengthens our spirit and resolutions,
Resolutions, which brings our long awaited achievements,
Achievements, which rewards us with a meaningful existence,
Existence, which remains incomplete without love,
Love, which will be shining in our eyes,
Eyes , which will be longing for our union,
Union,which will be due for long, until we meet again…adieu!
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