I wish I could tell you
How like the rain you are
Planting a smile on my lips
Making buds in my heart bloom
Nourishing my parched soil
Soothing my frayed senses
With your healing presence.
I often fiddle with the thought
Of baring my secret stories,
Of telling you how you are
My favourite part of the planet,
The sky on which I paint my heart,
The everything to my nothing.
As words slide, ready to pour out
As my heart glimmers with your name
And my hand yearns to give shape
To the magic that is You
I pause, ‘what will I gain?’
I don’t wish to fetter you in words,
And contracts and promises,
I don’t fancy a just and fair barter.
I silence the bubbling thoughts
Jostling to gush out of every crevice.
I am willing to pay the price
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