I hide my earnest yearnings in the sack of your wishes and go about fulfilling them . I hide my wind of thoughts in the veil of my face and make your day . I hide my inner sorrows in the blanket of my skin and listen to yours . And I don’t ask Can […]
submitted by <a href="https://poetryparlour.com/members/nitika/" title="Posts by Nitika Sawhney” rel=”author”>Nitika Sawhney
Can you hear me? I sigh in your bated breaths As you rise up in froth I lay wounded in your depths I fester in your silences My pain seeks your touch And you see me in your nightmares My form leaves you parched I sit in you, pained As you seek validations And you […]
She felt a chill run Down her spine. She knew she was being watched, All the time! ‘Can you hear me?’ He licked his lips, Salivated when he saw her. She was an easy target At that time of day, he jeered. ‘Can you hear me?’ He pursued her. Like a deer she leapt away. […]
submitted by <a href="https://poetryparlour.com/members/natashas/" title="Posts by Natasha Sequeira” rel=”author”>Natasha Sequeira