Category: PoAttic-1
Winter’s Sorrow
How I wish This heart would ache As the little girl sold Soggy matches in the cold. How I wish This snow would soften As the tiny toes numbed Within worn-out boots, two sizes big. How I wish This frost would thaw As the stiff, wrinkled hands Trembled to hold the pail. …
Spring Thaw: A Wait
A chill enters my weary bones, I shudder to think of days ahead, Of falling snow and hissing winds, Blizzards and squalls my life will face, Your dry cold looks give pain that blinds. My…
O’ winter, O ’cold, what did you do? Morphed me into a creature of species new, You triggered in me reflexes unseen, Unknown in humans, but in animals seen. A cold draft blows, through my body lean, Sending down shivers, passing like current unseen, Incessantly I chatter like my monkey friend, Fighting the cold,…
Frosty silence
How deceptively pink was that one winter chill, How comfortingly warm your touch was then. Now the chill’s set deep within the hearts, Cold, dismal, distant, a thousand miles apart. What would it take to melt again? Untouched is the ice, by warmth of memories, That crimson blush of the first spring rose. Unmoved,…
Rattling teeth and wobbling feet Stuttering and stammering to greet Icy winds piercing through my skin pores Making my bones chill to the core Ugh!! This Winter mornings are frightful Getting out of bed is very painful But life must flow on like a river WITH Just coffee or tea, our best refreshers …
The Arctic Zone
The powdery snow falls stealthily over the majestic pine trees Camouflaging the green landscape with an opaque quilt A sonorous ,silent lullaby it sings “ Be happy and blithe ,for I will cover you till the fluorescent spring .” The phosphorescent moon cast its resplendent silvery glow The naughty sun plays hide and seek effortlessly…
Hello, I’m Cujo, an Arctic Fox, The Arctic Tundra is my home. My soft white fur, my small stature Makes it easy to catch prey. You see, hunting is part of my nature. I love the winter, the snow, the cold Where I roam about catching voles, lemmings, Seal pups and more. There is nothing…
I stand frozen, in time. The winter looms over leaving my hypothermic heart red with frost-bites and— frozen… The leafless branches crave the forbidden fruit of the forgotten past, as I shiver and stand— frozen… The flakes prick like icicles; the sun long gone. The roots try to hold the lost memories— still frozen……
What will the rich Understand the harsh winter? In their warm houses, And expensive quilts, And a belly full of good food. Ask the poor Who sleep on pavements, Or under the bridges, Or in dilapidated shelters, In Delhi’s freezing winters. The winter outside Can be kept away, If people helped each other…
Be gone thou infernal cold
Come not near me; be gone thou infernal cold! I abhor thee with my weary bones, oh so old. Go! Cavort with the young and the fighting fit, Leave me be, in relative peace let myself sit. Why o’ why, into my aged joints, must thou steal? O’ winter you scare me, in your…