Author: Soma Bolar
Not A Fairytale
Not a fairytale A Haibun! The backyard is bathed in pale winter sun, looming burnt brick walls guarding the house look more instagrammable than any of my recent pictures. The dwarf orange tree is swelling with pride, laden with this year’s produce. The marigolds bursting in orange, queue up for my attention. From here, they…
My Memories Taste Like
my memories taste like coke…nutty, carbonated fizzy-fuzzying out of my bottled vanilla existence like black coffee bitter, dark leaving marron kisses of heartbreak on lips pressed too hard but mostly they taste of a four letter word…your name taking slow backups on the syllables of my tongue
i like how you count constellations join dots of my southern sky and call it june my birth month and me, your goddess i like how you weave soft moans on my tapestry making patterns, as you lean how it crumbles leaving traces of moondust i like how you collect and fold it manifolds the…