O Wildflower!
The ravishing beauty of the pristine glen.
You dance and sway with absolute gay.
Like a ballerina you pirouette ,curtsy,
And attract the buzzing bees,
to selflessly share your sweetened nectar.
The morning dew nestles in your dainty silken petals,
refusing to slide down from you,
as it jiggles back and forth with the gentle zephyr.
You are a feast to every passer by,
who captures your beauty in infinite clicks with ardour,
to make you eternal in their memory archive.
You hold your head high
braving the most unkind winds,
the scorching sun and the gruesome frost.
You are a true delight,
And fit to be reckoned as a queen of paradise.
You are the most unassuming entity,
Your beauty lies in every beholder’s eye
Your beauty brings joy,
In your beauty lies truth,
Stay beautiful as you always are!
And spread your mirthful radiance to make the world colourful.
Picture Credit : Joseph Chan ( Unsplash)
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