The Crimson Ball
SunMy museAgain brings hope. DissipatesNight’s obscurity,Vivid huesInstill faithIn a promising new day,Sun again brings hope P.S. First stanza is a Hay(na)ku which is a 3-line poem with one word in the first line, two words in the second, and three in the third. There are no restrictions beyond this. Second stanza is a Shadorma. A […]
Maa Saraswati
Clad in white, You are the divine light. Knowledge you dispense, Talents you represent. . Your radiance exudes, Pearls of wisdom infused, With beads of music and sound, healing the soul and mind. . ‘Shwet’ the brilliant white, Signifies the purity of your might. ‘Maa Saraswati’ bestow me forever, With your blessings in every endeavour. […]