The Anger in me is so Dangerous when it explodes, I turn into ashes from within while the outside sets afire. I don’t know how to gather the pieces I cry through this pain. But the flames are so inflamed That my tears are unseen. It’s hurts It heals With time. But that Memory becomes […]
submitted by <a href="" title="Posts by Fatema” rel=”author”>Fatema
You haunt my dreams like wild flowers in places never meant to be. I wish I could sweep away the pain that comes with each memory. Come, let us talk – you and me – about things we could do. .
submitted by <a href="" title="Posts by Jaya Pillai” rel=”author”>Jaya Pillai
She is a weed Rich farmers say so She is not a seed they sow Why let her grow It is time to mow This weed must not grow Oh let me be she pleads You are just a weed You must not grow Time for us to mow – Pradnya Surve