There’s something Good in these Bye’s
they render our heart warmth and lips a nostalgic smile
The bygone moments flash in front of our eyes
clothing the present in yesterday’s tides.
It’s a basket of bittersweet memories that we treasure inside
some we express and others we knowingly, hide
What do we truly mean when we bid goodbye
To compromise on the person’s absence or is it simply, a sigh!
The heart, breaks, to bid adieu to someone or happy times of yore
Yet gleefully we usher the new dawn, welcome the new year
We live in the moment but we breathe the past
Though we say Goodbye yet the moments live inside, till our last.
I take along with me all the good’s and bid farewell to all the bad’s
I’ll cherish its vibrant scrapbook within me erasing that tiny dull chad
A second now will soon be a moment of the past
I wish I could hold them, hug them, make every moment last.
But bye’s are necessary to accept the recent
For it’s on the pillar of failure that success stands
So come, in the sea of life bury all your dark story
Let the surging tide of hope, love and faith empower you, eternally.
PicCourtesy: pixabay
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